Saturday, September 27, 2014

For Elise Book Review

For Elise 
A Book Review 
                                      By, Amy Halbern

"He Lost her Once 
He cannot loose her again." 
~For Elise

For Elise was such a great story, it was full of love, friendship, mystery, suspense and happiness. Like all of Sarah Eden's books this story has become one of my favorites.. I like how Sarah touched on some very difficult issues that Elise and Miles had to endure. A lot of the struggles and sensitive issues that Elise faced were such a taboo of a topic back in the 1800's, it was the shhhh.... It never happened don't talk about such issues.. I loved how strong Miles and Elise's friendship was throughout the story.. This is another favorite of mine that Sarah does in her stories all of her characters build a strong friendship before the romantic relationship comes to play, it shows that friendship is essential before the romance can happen. I loved little Anne's character so cute and very sweet. When she talked about her character I could picture her so clearly. I loved how Miles took to Anne so quickly, talk about kindred spirits. Even though Beth who was Miles's sister and Langley her husband were not always in the forefront of the story I enjoyed reading about them. I loved how there was such a mystery to the story of who murdered their fathers and wow I was shocked who did end up being the bad guy, as some would say I didn't see that coming... I loved the end such a great end to a great story.... I can't wait to read more of her stories... I highly recommend this book.

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