Wednesday, June 2, 2010

More of the REAL Soccer Game May 29, 2010 @ Rio Tinto Stadium

More of The REAL Soccer Game
May 29, 2010
@ Rio Tinto Stadium

"Winners are like Biscuits when things heat up
They rise to the occasion. ~HJB

REAL Soccer Game May 29, 2010 @ Rio Tinto Stadium

REAL Soccer Game
May 29, 2010
@ Rio Tinto Stadium

"Talent Wins Games, but teamwork wins championships."
~Michael Jordan

Brenda and I went to a REAL Game. Oh my gosh it was so much fun!! I loved it!! Neither of us had been to a game, before!! They are actually really good. I never thought Soccer games could be so much fun!! Her friend Heather sold us half price tickets. Instead of paying $30 we only paid $ 15. Heather's husband Eric was selling them as a fundraiser for the Police Departments and Fire Departments. The seats were really good seats, row C section 5. I was able to get some really cool shots from where we were sitting. Brenda was bummed that she forgot her camera!! Next game we go to she will bring it. We were able to sit by Heather, Eric, and their cute baby!! At first it wasn't too cold, but then it became really chilly!! I didn't really want to spend $50 and buy a sweatshirt!! The only part of my body that was super cold were my fingers from taking so many pictures!! A lot of the soccer players on both teams are really good looking, so that was plus, besides the game being so much fun!! I didn't realize how many soccer fans there were. However there were not so many crazy fans so no fights broke out, maybe in other countries!! Anyway REAL won 4-1!! I really would love to go to another game sometime. Besides getting some cool shots it was fun to take part in something so HUGE!

Sunday, April 25, 2010

More From the Twilight/Multanomah Falls Road Trip July 2009

More from the Twilight/Multanomah Falls
Road Trip, with Reb.July 2009

" Trust your Crazy Ideas, no matter how Crazy they turn Out to be." ~ABH 10'

My Crazy Twilight/Multanomah Falls Road Trip with Reb July 2009

My Crazy Twilight/Multanomah Falls Road Trip
July 2009

"Trust your Crazy ideas, no matter
how crazy they turn out to be."

ABH 10'

Reb and I decided to go on this 3,000 mile round-trip road trip to Washington State and Oregon!! It was awesome!! I have been meaning to blog about this forever but never got around to do it. So here it is almost a year later and I am FINALLY blogging about it!! Anyway Reb came to me and said how would you like to do this road trip with me?? At first I was like hmmmm...I am not a huge fan of road trips but then she told me of some of the places that we would be going such as; Multanomah Falls, which is in Corbet Oregon, Portland, Vancouver, Seattle, Port Angeles, Forks, and to visit her Aunt, Uncle and Cousins in Yakima which is in Sunnyside Washington, otherwise known as the "Never Green side of the Evergreen State." Well I couldn't pass up on this opportunity especially since a lot of it was Twilight Related!!! I was 100% In. The place that we stayed for the majority of it was Ocean Shores Washington. Reb's parents' have a time share there, which this saved us a lot of money. However the downside to this besides it being rainy everyday there and we couldn't see the Ocean it was about 2 hours away from everything we were doing!! Oh well It was pretty much free!! Yay for that!! Reb and I had a lot of Adventures on this trip!! Some are spoken in Hush Tones!! so Shhhh!!! Reb and I had the opportunity to visit our friend Naomi and her husband in Portland!! Reb and I also were able to do a session at the Portland and Seattle Temple which was way awesome!! Let me tell you that Washington is such a beautiful place... However before I forget our last stop was in Idaho Falls Idaho to take pics of the waterfalls there!!