Monday, March 30, 2009

Greyson Joseph Halbern Hughes March 7, 2009

Greyson Joseph Halbern Hughes
Born March 7, 2009
(These Pictures were taken March 8, 2009)
"Motherhood is more than bearing children..
It is the essence of who we are as women."
~ Sheri L. Dew

Greyson Joseph Halbern Hughes, was born March 7, 2009 at the IHC Hospital in Salt Lake City, to my sister Sarah and Bro -in -law Eric. He is the First baby Grandson and Nephew in the Family well in our immediate family, which is very exciting. Greyson weighed 5lbs and 6 ounces. He is a very cute baby. Sarah had a c-section due to the fact that Greyson's lungs were filled with Fluid and if Sarah's water had not broken then he may have not made it, which is very sad to think about.. After he was born he was taken the the NICU because he had problems breathing and so the doctors and nurses wanted to monitor his breathing.. He was only there for about a day before he was taken back to the room to be with Sarah and Eric. We all prayed that he would be okay, I even called the Temple and put his name on the prayer roll. Actually I did that with Sarah and Eric's Names also.. I did this before he left the NICU and a few hours later Sarah called and said that he was out of the NICU. The power of prayer is amazing and I am glad that I had a feeling that I needed to do that.. My Mom Dad and I went and saw the little family on Sunday... This is when I took these pictures on the 8th of March... I was able to hold him and it was amazing.. Little babies are a wonderful gift from Heavenly Father.. I am glad that I was able to be there to hold my little nephew.. He is a very Content little one.. Eric's family was there to to celebrate with us.. Sarah and the baby went home on the following tues.. My mom and Aunt Sally went to her house and cleaned it so when she returned home she would not have to do anything but be with Eric and Greyson.. Iam greatful for wonderful families...

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Sarah's Baby Shower February 21, 2009 at Sally's

Sarah's Baby Shower
February 21, 2009
@ Sally's
" Childhood is not from birth to a certain age and at a certain age the child is grown and puts away childish things. Childhood is the kingdom where nobody dies."
~ Edna St. Vincent Millay
My Mom,Sally and Shelly through a baby shower for Sarah at Sally's in Salt Lake.. It was fun... it was a beautiful day to have one, so we were able to keep all of the windows open so that the room wouldn't feel so stuffy... There was refreshments. My mom made Duck shaped chicken salad sandwhiches along with other yummy treats... Sally Put me incharge of making limeade.. I had never made limeade before, but it wasn't too hard. Sarah and mom tasted it before any of the guests drank it... Sarah's Friends' Sarah and Misty came. I have not seen them for years.. Literally years. It was so good to see them. They are both married,and Sarah has a little girl named Elliot but calls her Elle for short, misty on the other hand does not have children yet!! I was glad that my other sister Elizabeth made it, along with my cute niece Haelee.. Staci who is Sarah's sister- in-law brought her daughter Madision, which worked out because Haelee had someone to play with if they got tired of being there.. Harry Sally's dog was there to keep everyone company. Harry is way cute and very friendly. I forgot to mention Sally is my aunt and my mom's sister.. She has a very cute house that her and my Uncle John restored.. Shelly my sister 's friend who also help throw the shower made a very yummy crab dip.. She was very helpful, she is the one who wrote down all the gifts that Sarah recieved from everyone.. My mom's two close friends Mary Silver and Melanie Neville came to the Shower. I don't get to see them very often so that was way fun, that they could make it... There were games that were played at the shower such as How Big is Sarah's tummy, the binky game in which you were not able to say certain words and guess how many jelly beans were in a bag, which turned out to be a prize.. Everyone had a great time and enjoyed eachother's company... We were all tired by the end of the Shower... I am glad that Sarah's Friends's help clean-up!!!